The Waiting Room Starts in:


2339 Brannen Road Southeast Atlanta, Georgia 30316


  • The Waiting Room

    Starring A Hundred Drums


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  • The Waiting Room

    Starring A Hundred Drums

    The Waiting Room



    "The Waiting Room" a themed Halloween featuring A Hundred Drums coming from L.A. ready to party in the A!

    Come out in your costume and celebrate with your Bass Face!!!!

    brought to you by Dorado, Faux Rest and Debussy

  • Location


    2339 Brannen Road Southeast Atlanta, Georgia 30316


  • Affiliates


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    1. You want to help sell tickets
    2. You are not the organizer of this event
    3. You want to Track your independent sales
    4. Want to help promote your favorite event
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    You are a Co-Organizer if:
    • You or your partners are the Organizer
    • You need to see Affiliate sales
    • Need access to sales reports for the Event
    • You have authority to view event details
    Request Access to this Event

    Affiliates VS Co-Organizers

    You are an Affiliate if you are simply helping to Promote an event and you are not the organizer. You must register as an Affiliate by selecting the Affiliate button. Once registered, you will be able to promote this event and track your sales. Once you register as an affiliate, you will be able to start promoting the event by attaching your affiliate tag to the event URL. Affilites will have access to view only their sales

    You are a Co-organizer if you are a partner of the Organizer and are responsible for the event. You must select the Co-Organizer button to Request access to the event. This process requires approval from the event organizer. Co-Organizers will have access to full reports to only the event they are approved to access